Monday, July 14, 2008

Waking Up...

Hey ya...I've just started my new semester for 1 week...and it's like waking up from a deep. comfortable sleep. U dun wan to...yet u r pulled by the gravity of things not done. Cant say tat it was terrible and horrible. (Though somehow close to tat) I had some enjoyable times oso...but u cant imagine there is so MANY things to do in a simple week...

Well, in the first class-introductory to the veterinary profession...i'm bombarded with so many facts bout being vet, i'm starting to doubt myself. Seeing and hearing frightful stories from seniors...and now i know why ppl drop off from this course even if they are all the way in the fourth year. It seems like things start to tumble themselves upon me and i'm suffocating beneath the rubbles. I've got the dogathon thing going charge of the fun fair games and i have tonnes of materials i havent even begin to decorate...and the thing is on 10th august...less than a week. And during that time i might be nearing my first test al'd...which means i need to study on top of all the hectic. of my suckiest subject...first lab, the lecturer threw us two lab papers...mumble somthign and ask us to present the paper by the end of the class and walked out...i cant even rememebr all the formula...and chem students...i dun know bout u...but i hate calculating molar and moles and concentrations etc etc. And i'm taking animal agriculture...a lecturer who's teaching method is...if u dun write as fast as i speak, then too bad for u. Do ur own research. SWEAT. Not to mention seniors plundering on us, organizing a course nite which juniors hav to perform...a bunch of junior tat hardly knew each other need to work together in one week to come out with an incredicle performance among our busy schedule. GREAT. Not to mention tat we are asked to do stupid task by seniors...ragging they call it. I'm so tempted to jus ignore them...i hav to find the testicle size of 10, dog, sheep, cattle, tiger, lion, bird, camel, cheetah and another watever it is. And i hav to sing a tamil song on the course nite...ya, i'm taking bahasa tamil. time al'd...gotta get back to uni. See you next time...if i survive tat is.


Elena's said...

tamil??? so cool... ahahah. see ya at dogathon 2008!

yoon said...

i know how u feel, eve. i do.
sometimes i kinda doubt myself in what i'm doing also. sigh. i feel u. =)
hang in there.
Proverbs 16:3

Renee Tay said...

ala babe. im sure you are strong enough to go through this phrase.
mwah mwah. see ya at the futsal court this Saturday babe. be good! *teehee*

Me-lvin said...

WOW! Eve taking Tamil Course! You Go GIRL!!!! Post on Youtube, ok!

keno said...

Just saw u on 8TV's show "Dare to dream". U look great. Most importantly, ur enthusiasm is energizing. Good 2 know that u r pursuing vet course. Btw, is that taped years ago before u start ur course?