Anyways, this blog is kinda jus take it as a summary of my last few weeks! Enjoy it!
Ya. ya. Dogathon was like 3 weeks ago. was it? It was great. I al'd love it before it even began! Hehehe...i've never been to Dogathon before i was involved in it. So it was kinda cool for me. When the doggies start pouring was darn fun! Hehehe...everywhere u see, u see an extra ordinary dog...and guess wat? Hehehe...even my favourite babies came. Hehehe...Cuddles sure enjoyed himself. Cant stand still..snifing, watching, hearing every single detail. The other baby is of course Pooka la...(wat u thinking huh?) Hehehe...though she is not a dog and she jus sleep in her pouch the whole day. Hehehe...Ken Heng, his sis, sis' bf and Desmond came to support me and they oso waited for me to finish up so tat i can go home wit them. Thank you so so much!! I snapped quite a few photos with dogs and all...but unfortunately, i havent load it up yet...hmm...okok, promise to load it up here asap.
Well, actually i didnt want to talk bout dogathon. But share some of the experience i have becoming a trainee vet. Hehehe...not everything was fun and games u know. And during my first visit to the farm. Something terrible happened and it really make me feel like jumping off the roof. It really really bothered me then but now i've gotten over it, we were having practical for animal agriculture and was required to go to the farm to learn animal restraining. We have been practicing our knots and tying skills throughout the whole week. And my group was assigned to the sheep pen. There was numerous sheep around and my ecturer asked us to choose a sheep and restain it. At first, it was kinda hard and we were quite scared. I was quite daring, jus jump in and tried to restrain the poor fella. (they are quite intelligent) but soon enuf, we were all used to it. Then we are suppose to partner up and tie a sheep to the pole. So me and one of my guy clasmates teamed up. He chose the 'leader' of the pack. Which means, he is bigger and stronger and more aggresive. I asked him why, he said so tat he could feel more "achieved". I have no comments, he held it, i tied it and it was a success. Until the sheep suddenly freak and jerk forward. As it did, u know wat happens...the rope tightens itself on it's neck and it was strangling itself. We sprang into action and i tried to undo the knot. But unfortunately, the thick wool of the sheep untangled it and it was kinda stuck. The sheep was making deep wheezing sounds while i desperately try to undo the rope. My fren asked for something to cut it. But no one came to the rescue. After wat seems to be a lifetime, when the lecturer wanted to arrive, i al'd untied it. The sheep quickly jumped up and ran towards it's pack. Safe and sound. Pheww....tat really leaved a deep mark in my heart. But it was a lesson i will forever remember.

In addition, i went and learn how to restrain a cow by one rope, some techniques and only one person. Thus we went to the goat side and milk them (not a very easy task, but i 'milked' it...hehehe...hav to be gentle u know!! Muahahaha), carry kids and feed them wit milk bottles. They are so adorable. My pic is with someone, i'll get it soon. They are so happy to see you, they call out for u and wage their tails. Jus like dogs...but they do chew on ur pants when you are carrying other kids. Absolutely adorable! The not-so-good thing is tat we have to clean, scoop, wash the fecal and urine. in layman's term, shit and pee.
Chicken coup was quite fun too. But our first task is to "shovel" out the SHIT and URINE. It smelled OKAY before we started, but when we start shovelling, the smell of ammonia welled up from the not-so-dry part underneath the mountain. (Arent i glad i have sinus sometimes...) Then we cleared the drain near to the coup which was i suspect never cleared before. Bcoz GRASS was growin in it. We didnt even notice there was a drain. When we were 'cangkul-ing' the grass out, we found many many countless earth we know why grass flourished in it. But at the same time we were given the chance to vaccinate the chicks. I expect the chicks to be cuter but bcoz they are broilers...(rear for meat...u know...KFC) they grow fast, even at a week old, they dun look VERY cute anymore.
But last few weeks...i've been going down to the farm and doing something...u wont believe wat. I oso dun believe i hav to do it PLANT GRASS. Yes yes...we plant make it sound nicer, we plant pastures. Last few weeks i spent looking at grass...i cant even differentiate them let alone remember their scientific name . They all look the same....hahaha!! We hav to stand under the scorching sun and basically LOOK at them while my lecturer blabbers on and on and on...( i honestly thinks tat he LOVES grass). And yes, we cut the grass from outside the compound, (nearly falling into the river), cut the leaf part for the cattles, and replant the root part in the pasture. Next week come back again, fertilize them, take samples, calculate it's ratio etc etc...yes, tat is wat we do. All these WITHOUT GLOVES. They never warn us till it was too late. Our hands are literally COVERED in tiny almost invisible thorns. U know those u get bcoz of lalang. No joke, it HURTS! And nearly impossible to take out. Phew!! One more week of grass month. ALL THE BEST!
But of course...not tat bad la...we get to ride on trucks and best of Rambutans and Starfruits! Hehehehe....y? Becoz it's a ladang my lecturer said now u know why our overalls hav so many pockets...good for loading rambutans! Hehehe...we do pluck the ripe rambutan and starfruit. So,e even climb the for me...i shake the branches and my frenc catches the falling star-fruits. Hehehe...yummy. I hav one in my fridge now. Muahahaha....